Study in Hubei University of Economics Study in

Partial Scholarship available in Hubei University of Economics

Hubei University of Economics--- a full time provincial university, located in Wuhan city, Hubei province

Hot program: International Economy and Trade in Bachelor taught by English

Tuition fee: RMB16,000/year


Scholarship provided:

1. Award RMB500 to the student who registers at the university

2. Tuition fee for the first year is RMB9,000 (the university provide the freshman scholarship to the student in the first year, exempted from the scholarship, only RMB9,000 to be paid as the first years tuition)

3. The excellent student have the chance to apply for the school scholarship from the second academic year (1st class: RMB3,000, 2nd class: RMB1,000)

4. The university can help the student to apply Hubei Governmental Scholarship from the second academic year, the excellent student can get RMB10,000

5. The excellent graduate can get bonus RMB5,000 when finish the bachelor course study.


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